
Registration And Morning Refreshments Networking

Headline Sponsor 2021


Thermal Management Solutions To Optimise Battery Safety And Performance 

  • How can an optimal thermal management system strategy be developed and what are the next-generation objectives?
  • Assessing current technologies/methods for thermal conductivity and inclusion technology.
  • Implementing thermal management to optimise battery life.
  • How close are we to consolidating an industry standard in thermal management architecture?
  • How to effectively measure and evaluate thermal management solutions
  • The role of material science in thermal management


Tackling The Heat-Generating Factors To Consider When Designing A Thermal Management System 

  • Effectively managing the dangers of thermal runaway and its consequences.
  • The latest thermal insulation systems tacking heat generation issues: Insulation characteristics, effective fire retardants and self-extinguishing materials.
  • New break throughs in material science and their role in thermal management.
  • Best practices in achieving temperature homogeneity.
  • How to manage external temperature variation & thermal shock – advanced thermal insulation systems.
  • Thermal management system and thermal management material innovations.


Examining The Latest Developments In Fast Charging And Impact On Battery Thermal Management Systems 

Prof. Rajit Gadhi, Director Smart Grid, EV Charging UCLA
  • Charging Challenges, overcoming the most significant barriers to market growth.
  • Examining the latest developments in fast and ultra-fast charging and its impact on thermal management systems.
  • Analysing the standards, technological and infrastructural challenges in faast and ultra-fast charging.


What Are The Main Parameters To Be Considered In Battery-Pack Heat Management?

  • Achieving homogeneity of the temperature within the battery pack in a range between 3C-4C, in ambient conditions that range from -35C – 50C
  • Cooling plates vs thermal conductive materials
  • Controlling potential hazard related to thermal runaway
  • Thermal life cycle analysis


Specifying Thermal Management Solutions For Battery Pack Design

  • How do application, materials and design for the battery assembly impact thermal management and cooling?
  • What are the most effective cooling methods for different battery applications?
  • What are the likely selection criteria for a most efficient thermal solution?
  • How is it integrated into the battery system and driveline?


Simulation To Aid Design: Accurately Predicting Thermal Performance And State Of Health Of A Battery Pack

  • How to harness digital technology to improve battery design.
  • Exploring the application of multi-scale modelling to battery pack design.
  • Lifespan prediction: The importance of understanding degradation
  • Simulation-based validation of energy management strategies for xEVs
  • A full vehicle simulation approach to optimized energy management of EVs


Increased Virtualisation In Battery Pack Design

Bill Beverly, Co-Founder, Technology and Engineering, Evolectric
  • A scalable battery pack model – how to capture integrations between mechanical, electrical, electrochemical and thermal disciplines and enable virtualisation of the design process to increase confidence in the final product performance early in the design phase.
  • Couple mechanical, thermal and electro-chemical characteristics to match early design integration.
  • Reviewing results and closing the loop on design, test and process controls before a production transition.


Networking Break


Key Challenges In Thermal Management And Innovation Requirements 

  • Limiting battery heat fluctuations in battery performance: Understanding your batteries capability requirements in terms of temperature variations.
  • Do you need to dissipate or insulate heat?
  • Challenges concerning the size of the battery pack
  • Thermal Management Systems (TMS) and the choice of Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs)
  • Striking the balance: Cost vs Performance – what are the key decision criteria?


Matching Battery Thermal Management Systems To More Powerful Batteries To Improve The Energy Storing Capabilities of BEV’s

Ahmad Presara, Chief Energy Storage Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  • How to increase power whilst maintaining thermal stability.
  • Increasing tolerance for operating temperatures.
  • What advanced thermal management solutions are required to better protect the battery itself – stability in extreme temperature variations.
  • Protecting power electronics: Material challenges for motors, components and connectors.
  • Battery insulation and lithium-ion battery separators.
  • New electro-chemical mechanisms that might boost the specific energy performance of future batteries.


Next-Generation, Environment-Friendly Thermal Solutions For EV Batteries 

Pradyumma Goli, Business Development E-Mobility, Henkel Corporation 
  • Innovative technologies with a focus on sustainability, lightweight & efficiency.
  • The EV Powertrain deployed e-mobility solutions for (TIMs).
  • Thermal conductive and resilience.
  • Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs).
  • Fundamentals of TIMs vs Thermal Resistance.
  • Battery Systems – Liquid Gap Filling TIMs
  • Long-term reliability testing.


Adhesive And Sealing Systems For High-Voltage Batteries In Electric Vehicles

  • An overview of adhesive system and technology offerings for high-voltage batteries.
  • Assessing desired strengths, service considerations and manufacturing requirements.
  • Further options for replacing mechanical fastenings.
  • Gap fillers such as suitable alternatives to thermally conductive pads.
  • Thermal characteristics and requirements for high voltage batteries.


Engineered Single-Phase Immersion Cooling For Thermal Management of Lithium-Ion Batteries

  • Identifying key challenges and shortcomings of conventional methods of thermal management.
  • Discussion of single-phase Liquid Immersion Cooling (SLIC) Technology.
  • Recent demonstrations of batteries cooled with SLIC Technology.
  • Accelerated charge/discharge rates and extended useful life of batteries cooled with SLIC Technology.


Networking Luncheon

Buffett Style




Exploring Difference Cooling Strategies For Fast Charging And High Performance Electric Vehicles 

Dr Prahit Dubey – Technical Lead Thermal Engineering, Romeo Power Technology
  • Identifying challenges and reviewing opportunities of liquid-cooling (bottom-cooled) solutions for battery thermal management.
  • Deep diving into liquid-cooled battery modules for passenger and commercial BEV’s: A review of performance advances in high power and high helix flux applications.
  • Introduction to thermal management of battery packs using novel submerged-cell cooling technology.
  • Exploring submerged-cell cooling technology for high-performance electric vehicles through numerical and experimental investigations, and comparing its thermal performance to bottom-cooled solutions.


Fast Charging & Batteries Of The Future: What Will Be The Impact Of Fast Charging On Battery Thermal Management?

Punnet Sinha – Director New Mobility, Siemens PLM & Mentor
  • Ultra-capacitors and their role in future powertrains: Increasing power density for enhanced vehicle performance and reduce battery size.
  • New battery materials and design for greater energy density and efficiency.
  • Solid State batteries and their commercialisation.
  • Lithium-ion innovation developing a batter that operates optimally across a wider range of temperatures.
  • Battery Packing: Thermal dissipation Materials for assembling the battery.


Managing The Impacts Of Fast Charging On Thermal Management Of The Battery Pack

Bret Trimmer, Application Engineering Manager, NEOGRAF Solutions
  • Analysing thermal management as the primary accelerator for extended driving range per charge.
  • The main thermal management in use today is aluminum; which is thick, heavy and poor conductor of heat. The challenge of using aluminium for extended driving range without the pack becoming too large and heavy to be practical.
  • Flexible graphite: Same heat spread as aluminum, half the thickness and half the weight
  • Case Study examples of graphite cooling fins from large scale marine Li-ion battery systems.



Design And Material Packaging Solutions For Battery Modules  

  • Thermal management and packaging solutions for battery modules.
  • TMS from steel and aluminum liquid cold plates to heat, vapour chambers and encapsulated APG.
  • Evaluating Polyimide foam technology for robust packaging: resistant to flames, noise and thermal runaway isolation.


Ultra-Fast Charging Systems: Increasing Voltage And Current For Achieving Higher Charging Power

  • Impact of UFC on Lithium-ion battery chemistries.
  • Strategies for managing heat generation during ultra-fast charging


Silicone Solutions For EV Thermal Management – Battery And Beyond

  • How to scale-up your battery pack design with silicone thermal management materials for better heat management.
  • Identifying the wide range of needs related to battery pack insulation, battery assembly, component assembly, gap filing, power control units and cables/connectors.
  • Effective thermal management within the battery pack and across the powertrain components.
  • Customizing an approach to battery interstital fill, thermal interface, adhesives, potting and protective covering materials to meet design specifications.


Networking Break


Improving Energy Density And Performance Of EV Battery Packs With Thermal Management And Coatings

Tom Resh, Testing Director, Nikola Motors
  • Battery Packing: Thermal dissipation materials for assembling the battery
  • How thermal management materials address EV limitations in range, reliability and cost benefits of using a cure-in-place liquid dispense gap filler over a pre-cured thermal pad (also called a gap pad).
  • Data from internal testing, as well as third party testing on significant performance differences between fillers and pads.
  •  Flame resistant coating with can help mitigate damage in case of fire and their applications, conclusions and recommendations that include trade-offs on cost, manufacturability and performance.


Analysis And Modelling Of The Vehicle Thermal Management System (VTMS) For Battery Electric Vehicles

Aditya Velivelli, Battery Thermal Modelling Engineer, SERES
  • Identifying the main challenges when developing a VTMS for Battery Electric Vehicles.
  • Advanced methodology for thermal system development.
  • A holistic approach for VTMS Modelling.
  • Influence on sub-system in vehicle performance and energy consumption.


Selecting The Best Fit And Robust Thermal Interface Material For Effective Battery Cooling

  • Challenging engineering – considering handling, storage, assembly and processing.
  • How to select such a product?What to consider for the specific applications?
  • High-performance cooling solutions for complex electronic systems


Solid-State Technology – What Are The Thermal Management implications?

Sumin Zhu, Founder & CEO, Ampcera
  • Impact of UFC on Lithium-ion battery chemistries.
  • Strategies for managing heat generation during ultra-fast charging


What Are The Strategies And Options For Dealing With Battery End Of Life?

  • The demand for Lithium-ion batteries could quadruple by 2030. Demand for global production of the battery materials, such as lithium, cobalt, manganese and graphite could grow similarly. What are the strategies for recycling batteries? Lithium-ion battery recycling has many challenges including regulation.
  • Regulations on vehicle and battery recyclability.
  • Designing for recyclability
  • Packaging challenges for safe transportation and DDR
  • Closing the loop modelling
  • Practice examples of critical batteries in the real world


The Future Of Battery Thermal Management Summary: Chairs Closing Remarks 


All-Attendee Evening Networking Drinks Reception 

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